
Airfield coordinates:
45° 20' 50" N (45.3455) / 007° 55' 17"E (7.9192)
Runway orientation: 36 / 18 
Runway size: m. 700 x 25 - Grass
Elevation: ~770 ft / ~254 m
Circuit right for 18, left for 36
Radio frequency: 130,00 MHz (Vische Radio)


If you arrive in flight:

The airfield is west of the town of Vische and north of the east shore of Lake Candia. Note the hangar near the north head, and the hangar / club house at halfway.

NOTE: Avoid overflying the farmsteads in the east and south-west of the field.













Pista 18

Runway 18 (preferred)


LIVV 19 1 130

LIVV 19 2 130



If you arrive by other means





Flight School: FLY CLUB BARONE ROSSO AeCI certification n° 53
Sede: Cascina Viscano Inferiore, 2 A - Vische (TO)

FI: Riccardo Brancaleoni
+39 011 9837972
+39 347 1047320

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